
Conditions of Use

The operator of the website www.enaspol.cz (hereafter referred to as the Website) is company Enaspol a. s. (hereafter referred to as the Operator) which conforms to Act No. 121/2000 Coll., Copyright Act (hereafter referred to as the Copyright Act), and is entitled to exercise property rights to this Website. Copying of any part of the content, appearance or the source or program code of the Website is prohibited without prior permission of the Operator.

The Operator hereby issues conditions of use of the Website (hereafter referred to as Conditions). The Conditions apply to all persons intending to use the Website.

It is prohibited to interfere in any way with the technical essence or content of the Website without prior consent from the Operator. It is the Operator who has sole right to edit, delete or add anything to the Website.

Some of the information published on the Website originate from other sources which the Operator deems credible. The Operator, however, is by no means responsible for the accuracy and actuality of any of the published information.

All information published on this Website is of an informative character only.

Only the Operator is entitled to change or amend these Conditions. Legal relations between the Operator and the user of this Website established prior to the amendment or cancellation of the Conditions shall be governed by the wording of the Conditions effective on the date such relations were formed.

The Conditions were published on August 8, 2014, and are valid and effective as of this date onwards.
Enaspol a.s.
Velvěty 79
Rtyně nad Bílinou
415 01
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+420 703 146 416
+49 1520 3455096