
Accessibility Statement

This web presentation takes into account web accessibility and barrier-free principles in accordance with commonly acknowledged rules for an accessible web and in accordance with the directions prepared for the purposes of amendments to Act No. 365/2000 Coll. on public administration information systems.

The web presentation was created in accordance with specifications issued by W3C, complying with mark-up languages HTML 4 Transitional, HTML 5 or XHTML 1.1 Transitional and it adheres to syntactic and semantic correctness. The content is entirely separated from the styles using Cascading Style Sheets. The presentation may also be used on other output devices (mobile phones, screen readers, etc.).

Certain additional information (documents to download, in particular) is available on the website in other formats, most typically in PDF. To view documents in such format, you need to have Adobe Reader installed which is free to download from the Adobe Inc. website, or another program capable of displaying PDF files.
Some complementary and multimedia features of this website may be created using Adobe Flash technology and may require installed Adobe Flash Player add-on in your browser which is free to download from the Adobe Inc. website.

In order for the website to function properly, it is necessary to support and enable JavaScript in your browser.
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